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This category strives to identify and recognize an individual who has been well-regarded by the executive management of the Organisation of African Communities of WA for promoting interests of the African Community. The Community Pillar Award is awarded to any individual decided by the executive management. The recipient of this award is recognized as the best and the respectable individuals that the African community has to offer.  Community Pillar Award is not one of the five competitive awards. No nomination is available for this ward.

Rev. Dr. Francis Obed Fornah

Dr. David Mickler

As a long-time supporter and advocate for community harmony, people empowerment and youth mentor, Reverend Fornah is a respected leader and elder.

His work dates back to the early 2000s where he has played an integral role in building unit across different African communities in Perth. The Reverend has served on multiple committees and met with WA ministers and public officers.

Reverend Fornah has been instrumental providing leadership to the community and has provided support and mentorship particularly for young people in the community who do not have a father figure to role model. His commitment to the youth has seen him give tirelessly of his time and expertise to help them write resumes, apply for jobs and even secure cars to transport themselves to work.

His vision for the future includes an Older African Recreation Centre where his aim is to join the elders of the community with the youth and provide leadership, guidance and advice to ensure positive and fruitful futures.

The Rev. Holds a PhD in religion and theology. With a major interest in church leadership.

Martha Adau Kongor

Nyat Mulugeta

Martha Adau Kongor is well respected leader, trainer and pastor who goes out of her comfort zone to help community members especially women. An advocate of women’s empowerment, her work looks to break the cycle of violence in African communities through education, fellowship and leadership development of African women.
She has been on the frontlines supporting families experiencing violence, she has helped families understand the Australian system and gain access to health services and she continues to support women overcome gender stereotypes and barriers to exercise leadership in their communities.

She is responsible for the coordination and creation of the African Church’s Mother’s Union, the Sudanese Women’s Fellowship, and is a formal Area Dean for the Anglican Church’s Sudanese Clergy.

Martha contribution goes beyond the African community. In 2007, the Ethnic Communities Council-Women Sub-Committee recognised her contributions with a Certificate of Leadership Excellence. In 2008, she became the first African Priest in charge of a congregation in WA and the first female Area Dean. And in 2009, Martha was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the City of Stirling for her outstanding contributions to the community. In
2018, Martha become the finalist in Women in Leadership Award during the WA African Community Award.
Please join us let’s congratulate for Ms. Kongor for her dedication to growing and strengthening the African community members and leaders in WA.

Prof Samuel Makinda

Nyat Mulugeta

Professor Samuel Makinda has been working with the African community since the early 1990’s. As President of the African Community in WA, in 1998 he successfully lobbied State Government to build three houses in Cannington to be used by newly arriving African families. In 2012 he was named top 100 Most Influential Africans by the Celebration of African Australians Inc.

Professor Makinda has consciously sought to influence and give voice to, the desire for African Australians to contribute and shape public policies in Australia. He is a humble leader and his work has been a positive influence to many. He continues his sights on the future working with the leadership of African Communities in WA to advance the interests and aspirations of African Australians. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, please join us in celebration our pillar prof Makinda for his tremendous achievement.