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This category recognises a young African Australian aged 18 to 25 years who has demonstrated leadership in the community. The person may demonstrate leadership qualities such as mentorship through involvement in entertainment, sports, coaching or other pursuits and contributions and is regarded by others as a setting a good example.

Lueth Garang

Lueth is a young entrepreneur and founder of Lueth Learning Centre, which provides learning opportunities for CALD students in primary schools in Perth. A key focus of the learning centre is private tutoring services for migrants and refugee students to improve their educational outcomes. Through this, Leuth and her team have promoted community engagement and the essence of being involved in one’s child education.

The former Miss Africa Perth has embarked on an outstanding career as a teacher where she uses her culturally appropriate experience to impact her students.

Join us to celebrate Lueth for such outstanding achievements and creating a vital avenue to uplift the education of our young ones.

Dauda Janneh

Dauda is a passionate emerging young leader motivated to contribute to the community by creating positive change. These urged him to volunteer in several roles, including joining OACWA, coordinating the African Youth Empowerment Summit (2019), and completing the STOP the Violent program.

His outstanding leadership roles to the community include writing, peer mentoring, currently being the wellbeing and warfare officer for the African student union of UWA, and the general secretary of the UWA student guild.

Dauda gets fulfilled when he can positively contribute to the experience of other emerging young African leaders.

Join us to celebrate Dauda for such inspiration and contributions to fellow students and the young generation.